These games work on the principles of artificial intelligence and game-physics. Their extra features of the games are the interfaces, which are managed by changing the properties like the feedback and sounds of the speakers and headphones. They are played with the help of advanced computer hardware devices, such as the fast central processing unit (CPU), a fast accessing keyboard along with the graphic cards and RAM memory. These games use the computer graphics for displaying the games. PC games are general normal games, played on the computers. Hope this helped if anyone has any issues or needs help feel free to reply.Key difference: PC games are computer games, which supports computer graphics, while PS3 games are PlayStation games, which are played on the special consoles developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. To do this quit PKGI and go to Package Manager then go to Playstation Network Content here you will see your game just go ahead and install it and play! Some games require updates/download extra content by asking you to sign into PlayStation Network, this is fine and you can just sign in to download the updates/content then sign out. Once its finished downloading you need to install the game. Now you can go ahead and download any game. Now it will start downloading the latest database files from NoPlaystation and when its done it will show you all the games.

There should be a menu to the right if not press △, go down and press Refresh. Now when you launch PKGI it will say error this is normal. Once on the home screen MAKE SURE you are connected to the internet and launch PKGI. The hard part is done :) Once you have pasted those 2 files in that folder successfully you can now go ahead and quit Multiman. In here press o (circle) and press paste. This might be different for everyone but just open the folder that has PKGI in its name. Now close the window and click on PS3 ROOT again. Now press X ONCE on config.txt and dbformat.txt then press o (circle) and press copy. Open dev_usb it might have some numbers after it like 000, 001 or something similar that is fine just make sure when you open it you can see your config.txt and dbformat.txt files. A window should pop up with some files and folders. Use your right stick to move the mouse and X to open/select files. Once in Multiman navigate all the way to the left and select File Manager / mmOS. Plug the USB into your ps3 and launch Multiman. Once you've done that go back to your pc and copy the 2 files called config.txt and dbformat.txt onto your USB.

Make sure you have activated your ps3 as primary, here's how. If you haven't already install PKGi and Multiman on your ps3.