About the nicest thing I can say about it is that I can see what IO were trying to do. The main culprit here is the suspicion meter, which was another new feature for Silent Assassin. But do so and the game will give you a 'Mass Murderer' rating, and you'll feel bad because deep down you know it's not what a professional Hitman should do. 47 is far tankier than I remembered, able to take down a small army with health left to spare. You can still go in guns blazing-in fact, replaying the game, I'm surprised how viable an option it is. Silent Assassin changed this thanks to its new rating system. And in most instances, being super stealthy would just make things much harder for yourself. You could go for a more stealthy approach, but it was entirely for your own gratification-the game not caring if you killed just your target, or every hostile guard along the way. The first Hitman game did penalise you for killing civilians, but otherwise you could be as loud as you wanted. The most important change to Hitman 2 is right there in its title: "Silent Assassin". You can also watch the above video on YouTube.

So far we've covered the likes of Blade Runner, Max Payne, The Dig, and, uh, the Lost videogame. Above: In our Reinstall video series we take a fresh look at old games.